Buildecon is focusing on applied construction economics. Please discover our latest service improvements here or choose the country of your interest.
We display an array of our data in bar charts. Comparisons can be made
between years and countries. Data type applied here is level at constant price. Beside our conventional data-sets, we provide all 3 data types where applicable.
Current price, constant price values and real growth rates are available for the whole time series. EBI Construction Activity Report is our research for better now-casting and short-term forecasting. We conduct it in cooperation with ELTINGA and iBuild. More information:
Buildecon is the founder and research center to EECFA (Eastern European Construction Forecasting Association). It is the improved continuation of the service we used to provide on Eastern European construction markets. The latest construction forecast for 8 Eastern European countries can be purchased at
Buildecon is the Hungarian member to EUROCONSTRUCT. The latest construction forecast for 19 European countries can be purchased from us.